Classroom Website

Welcome to Rachel Banning's Class

Parents we want you to be involved in our class and in your child's education

yesCheck out these links on ways to get more information on how to get involved.yes


enlightenedWe want you to come in and see our class. Join us the first Friday of every month at 6pm to see what we have done snacks, drinks and translators will be provided.enlightened

heartIn Mrs. Banning's class we know our parents are importantheart

It is important for not only my class, but the entire school that the students are immersed in cultural diversity if at any time a parent or family friend would like to share things about thier culture, we would love to have you as a guest speaker.

Our City, our Town, our Country and our school are diverse communities. We would love to learn more about different cultures and languages. This helps to educate all of us and make for a stronger more knowledgeable community.


What research says about parental involvement?




According to The National Education Association "When schools, families, and community groups work together to support learning, children tend to do better in school, stay in school longer, and like school more." That's the conclusion of A New Wave of Evidence, a report from Southwest Educational Development Laboratory (2002). The report, a synthesis of research on parent involvement over the past decade, also found that, regardless of family income or background, students with involved parents are more likely to:

  • Earn higher grades and test scores, and enroll in higher-level programs
  • Be promoted, pass their classes ,and earn credits
  • Attend school regularly
  • Have better social skills, show improved behavior, and adapt well to school
  • Graduate and go on to postsecondary education (see A New Wave of Evidence, Southwest Educational Development Laboratory, 2002)

Según la National Education Association 'cuando escuelas, familias y grupos de la comunidad trabajan juntos para apoyar el aprendizaje, los niños tienden a mejor en la escuela, permanecer en la escuela por más tiempo y como la escuela más.' Ésta es la conclusión de una nueva ola de la evidencia, un informe de laboratorio de desarrollo educativo de Southwest (2002). El informe, una síntesis de la investigación sobre la participación de los padres en la última década, también encontró que, independientemente de su ingreso familiar o fondo, estudiantes con padres involucrados son más propensos a:

 Obtener calificaciones más altas y resultados de los exámenes y matricularse en programas de alto nivel
• Promover, pasar sus clases y ganar créditos
• Asistir regularmente a la escuela
• Tienen mejores las habilidades sociales, demuestran comportamiento mejorado y adaptarse bien a la escuela
• Ir a la educación superior y postgrado (ver A New Wave of Evidence, laboratorio de desarrollo educativo de Southwest, 2002)

Do you like to cook? Our Class loves to eat, so if you want to cook a dish for our class picnics it would make us very happy!



Six Ways to get Active in Learning in Mrs.Banning's Class(English)

  • Share your food from your culture, once a month we do a class picnic lunch. We would love to have dishes that are authentic to another country. Parents you are welcome to join us and to enjoy the dishes with the class.
  • Be a volunteer reader , chaperone, or come to our monthly PTO Famliy Fun Night. Family Fun Night provides activities for kids of all ages and great information for parents, translators are present as well. These are the first Tuesday of every month.
  • Please come in for a parent teacher conference.  I would love to meet you and work together to set your child's learning goals.
  • Read at home with your children, you can choose books from the bi-lingual library that is offered in the classroom. You can also find bilingual books at our local library.(help at home)
  • Sign up to  make the class calendar to include special holidays or sporting events in your native language and English that the family is involved in. They can complete the calendar by either an emailed template or a send home calendar. (help at home)
  • Using the Google translator to complete class work with your child in your native language and English to be posted on our language of the world board. The following link can translate your native language  to English or translate English to your native langauge. t\ another helpful translation cite is  . (help at home) 
  • To find more resources from home that will help your child be successful in school click on the following link feel free to contact Mrs. Banning for any information or links to more resources for you child. You are welcome to visit the classroom website that will be updated weekly with information and resources to help students and parents succeed.
  • Come in to class and share your culture. We would love to have you as our special guest and learn about your customs, traditions, and native language. I can arrange for a translator if needed.






Compartir los alimentos de su cultura, una vez al mes ofrecen un día de la alimentación cultural en su clase, la mayoría de los niños tienen platos hacen que son auténticos a otro país. Los padres que es Bienvenidos a unirse a nosotros y a disfrutar de los platos con la clase.
• Ser un lector de voluntario, padres que programación permite puede entrar y leer a la clase o grupos pequeños.
 Sra. Banning ofrece día y noche para acomodar el horario de los padres. Por favor llame o email para configurar un tiempo por venir que me encantaría conocerte.

Lee r en casa con sus hijos, usted puede elegir libros de la Biblioteca bilingüe que se ofrece en el aula.
• Pida a los padres para ayudar a hacer un calendario de clase incluye vacaciones especiales o eventos deportivos que la familia está involucrada en. Puede completar el calendario por tanto una plantilla por correo electrónico o un calendario de inicio de enviar.
Usar el traductor de Google conversar con el padre o tutor en su idioma nativo del estudiante. Ofrecemos este enlace al padre como si quisieran traducir en inglés.
En cualquier vez que como visitar la clase por favor avisan Sra. Banning y se harán arreglos para tener un intérprete estará disponible.



  smileyI look forward to meeting you and working with you and your child this year. Thank you parents for all you do!!!!!smiley